Australia's Fires


Australia's Fires

An article I read informed that Australia has had fires since September of last year, with an estimated 1 billion animals killed. One-third of koalas were killed, which could be about 30% of their koalas. 24 people also died in fires and many lost their homes. Hearing this news upsets me and makes me feel powerless because a lot of damage is already done and people don't seem to be talking about it. I think that media tries to cover issues like this and get donations but everyone is distracted with many things going on starting this year as well.

I think when most people hear about fires they don't really think about the situation in depth and how scary it is to lose your home and a family member or friend. This makes me sad, because people should not have to go through this and it could also happen to us. What many probably don't understand either is that it is more likely to happen too. The climate is changing gradually and we have high temperatures as well. It is surprising that we haven't all contributed to saving the earth, but I think a reason we haven't is because many of us don't know how to do that.


  1. With what you said about people not really talking about these types of things, I feel like people always put out things saying "we need to do this and that" or "oh look whats happening there" and saying things like pray for who/what ever. But the thing is, the majority of people that do this on social media end up not taking any action into the serious problem. Things are still happening and we notice them, but I dont think people notice them enough that we still are really doing anything to fix the problem and that is why things today are still affecting us, and possibly affecting us even worse.

    1. I agree, I think people feel like they're doing enough with just saying something about it, even though there are many forms of helping.


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